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The 10 Skills You Need to Improve Your Self-leadership


We’ve all been there.

Trying to move forward on an important project- for work or just for yourself. And then experiencing those oh-so-familiar roadblocks. Fears about what other people will think. Worries that it won’t quite make the mark. Insecurities about your ability to make a meaningful contribution. Frustrations about time, or limited resources, those pesky naysayers or critics (in real life or just the characters in your head!).

Or maybe you’ve been in a slightly different place. We’ve all been here too:

Those times there seems to be more lows, or challenges to your health or personal life than you’d like to admit. Chronic fatigue. Health challenges. Feeling lost, or unsure about your purpose. Feeling less connected or vibrant in your relationships. Experiencing ongoing frustration with co-workers or collaborators.

So if we’ve all been there, what separates those who just keep flailing (despite their sincere desire and efforts) and those who are seemingly able to rise above it all? Those people who’re able to connect, making meaningful changes, and experience an almost contagious sense of grounded well-being and vitality?


The difference is simply this: self-leadership. Self-leadership is the ability to keep your highest self in the driver’s seat of your life, most of the time.

Self-leadership is the ability to keep your highest self in the driver’s seat of your life, most of the time.

If you have strong self-leadership skills, you’re able to navigate the highs and lows of work and life with flexibility, adaptability, and resilience. You’re able to make meaningful changes in your health, your personal life, and in your work/life balance. You’re able to show up as your best self- especially when the going gets tough. And you reliably show up in a trustworthy way in all of your relationships.

Self-leadership is…

    • The common thread amongst people who are highly successful in their personal and professional lives.
    • The foundation and prerequisite for leading others well.
    • The set of skills needed to thrive in all areas of our lives – body, mind, relationships, and work.

Want to know the cool thing? Self-leadership is actually comprised of 10 basic skillsets. This means that self-leadership is actually learnable, tangible, and expandable – it’s like a muscle that can be trained and strengthened! No matter what your starting point, you can grow your capacity to be self-led, and impact your work and life for the better.

Self-led people are…

    1. Values-led
    2. Embodied
    3. Self-aware
    4. Action-oriented
    5. Sovereign
    6. In an empowering relationship with themselves
    7. Emotionally intelligent
    8. Understand their influence on others
    9. Responsible for self-care
    10. Resilient

Want to know what each of the 10 hallmarks actually means? We’ve created a free handout AND self-assessment guide to help you start growing your self-leadership skills. Sign up to have us email you this free resource and get a head start on moving toward the Luminary leader you were born to be!

Because here’s the thing. Your health. Your Life. Your work. They NEED you to to be a strong self-leader–equipped with the right tools and skills and able to take action toward what matters most.

So here’s to living lives of adventure, vibrant health, meaningful work, accomplishment, connected relationships, and a deep sense of purpose- TOGETHER.

Cara + Amber

PS- Want to invest in your self-leadership even more? Join one of our upcoming Luminary Leadership Workshops. Opt-in to be put on the waitlist and be notified when we settle on a date/location and open up enrollment!






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